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Donation Funds

The General Fund was established to accept donations that will have a direct impact on the general budget of the congregation. Donations to this fund support TBA’s day-to-day operations including:  the programs of Bet Sefer, Gan Avraham, synagogue salaries, and buildings and grounds, membership outreach, our efforts in Tikkun Olam, Adult Education and religious observance programs.

This fund was established in 1976 to ensure the long-term financial health and stability of TBA. It is funded primarily through the annual High Holy Day Appeal, bequests and special lifetime gifts. This fund is administered by the Board of Trustees and all money is held separately from the general accounts of TBA.

The Endowment Fund historically is managed for the synagogue’s financial future and provides income that can be made available to fund special initiatives, especially those directed at the congregation’s long-term growth and stability, meet unforeseen emergencies, and support the synagogue’s current needs. This fund was renamed in 2003 to honor Leonard Quittman (of blessed memory) for his tireless efforts in creating this fund to ensure that TBA survived for future generations.

Donations to this fund are used to support the community of TBA and the greater Jewish community at the discretion of Rabbi Bloom.

Donations to this fund are disbursed by the Education Director. Funds are used to support the programs at the Bet Sefer.

Donations to this fund are disbursed by the Gan Avraham Director. Funds are used for the support of the Gan Avraham program.

Donations to this fund are used to subsidize our  weekly Kiddush Luncheons that are not sponsored.  All who attend services are invited to join together for the Shabbat Kiddush.

Donations to this fund support the morning minyan by providing additional prayerbooks and breakfast for those attending minyan. The minyan fund has sponsored various Shabbat morning Kiddush luncheons and the Break-the-Fast oneg at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.

This fund was established in memory of loved ones whose lives were cut short in the Holocaust. This fund supports educational programming relating to the Shoah at Temple Beth Abraham and throughout the community, including the annual East Bay Yom HaShoah commemoration.

This fund was set up by Jack Jeger in memory of Jeanette Jeger who spent much of her time in the kitchen preparing a meal for the members of TBA. The proceeds of this fund will be used to purchase items needed to improve the kitchen, or enhance the serving or preparation of food.

Donations to this fund assist in purchasing prayerbooks, chumashim and machzorim for the congregation.

This fund provides scholarships to students whose families are in financial need, to attend a Camp Ramah program.  The Grants are awarded by a committee and applications should be given to Rabbi Bloom.

In honor of the Herman Hertz Family commitment to both Israel and Education, this fund provides scholarships to TBA graduates who have completed either 4 years of classes in the TBA Teen programs or who have celebrated their Bar or Bat Mitzvah in the synagogue. A scholarship is offered to assist in the travel to or live in Israel for a period of time.

This fund was established to honor Mollie Hertz and her efforts to welcome and include all people who are “Karov Yisrael” (one who is close to Israel) into the Temple Beth Abraham community. The purpose of this fund is to support the efforts of spouses and partners of Temple Beth Abraham members to increase their knowledge and appreciation of Judaism, and to reach out to other individuals who wish to learn more about Judaism.

The purpose of this fund is to sponsor or support activities for the benefit of persons between ages of 14 to 20 who are members of TBA, and of other Jewish persons ages 14 to 20 in the local community. For example, distributions may be made for expenditures relating to: Congregation-sponsored programming and functions designed for teens; security for teens participating in Congregation or community sponsored events; dances; guest speakers; Shabbat Kiddush gatherings; outings; programs to foster the health and well-being of teens; services in support of disabled teens; support for B’nai Brith Youth Organization functions; support for confirmation classes and/or ceremonies; support for brother/sister programs with other synagogues; assistance for foreign exchange students.

Harold Rubel had a love of music. He sang in his synagogue choir in New York and organized cantorial concerts for his community. This fund was established in Harold’s memory to foster a love of music in the Temple Beth Abraham community.

Ben and Rosebud Silver were dedicated to learning through literature. This fund was established to further the ideals of literacy by creating and maintaining the synagogue’s library and religious texts.

In honor of the 50th Birthday of Alan Silver, his family established a fund to honor his mother, Pola Silver. Pola was a loved member of TBA and often could be found volunteering in the office and around the campus. As a Holocaust survivor, her family would like to be sure teen members of TBA have the funds to travel with programs that teach holocaust education.

Sam Silver adored children and understood that the future of Judaism was in their hands.  As a testament to this love, the family of Sam Silver established this fund. This fund maintains and improves our TBA playground for use by both children of TBA and Gan Avraham students.

Leo and Helen Wasserman were great leaders of our congregation and community. Helen was president of many organizations. Leo was president of Temple Beth Abraham and served on many community boards. The Wasserman’s established this fund to underwrite special educational and cultural events at Temple Beth Abraham.

The education of young people was of paramount importance to Mary and Jack Berger.  This fund was established to foster the love of learning for all.

The TBA campus encompasses six adjoining properties.  Our beautiful sanctuary building was built in 1929.  Although all of the buildings have experienced some updating through the years, maintaining the buildings is a constant project.  This fund is allocated for maintenance projects that are beyond the reach of the annual budget. 

Michael Stevens started this fund to perpetuate his wife’s love of nature. These funds assist in the gardens of the TBA campus.

Donations to this fund are dedicated towards enhancing physical security measures and supporting a range of security activities for the safety of the congregation.

It would be an honor to establish a new fund in honor or in memory of a loved one.  Simply contact the Rabbi or the Executive Director for details.