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Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Marci, Dawn, and Faith (the committee for this fun event)are gathering recipes and will have everything ready this Sunday. You caneither sign up to bake a new recipe or bring one of your favorites toshare. We will gather and exchange yummy cookies - please bring your ownto go containers!Please RSVP so we know who to Continue Reading »
Contact Karen Bloom for details Blooms21@hotmail.com
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Gentle Yoga is not necessarily easy or difficult. Its goal is to create a connection between the body and mind, emphasizing balance and inner connection. In the class, I will guide participants through practice to strengthen the body and restore balance to the mind, using classical yoga as a tool to improve daily life.The class Continue Reading »
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Wewill meet again on Tuesday, December 17, at7:30 via Zoom, to discuss the nonfictionbook, Uncomfortable Conversationswith a Jew by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby. Thebook is 292 pages and was published in April 2024. The book is available through Link+: https://csul.iii.com/search?/XUncomfortable+Conversations+with+a+Jew+&SORT=D/XUncomfortable+Conversations+with+a+Jew+&SORT=D&SUBKEY=Uncomfortable+Conversations+with+a+Jew+/1%2C3%2C3%2CB/frameset&FF=XUncomfortable+Conversations+with+a+Jew+&SORT=D&1%2C1%2C From two New York Times bestselling authors, atimely, disarmingly honest, and thought-provoking investigation intoantisemitism that connects the dots between the tropes and hatred of the pastto our current Continue Reading »
Contact Karen Bloom for details Blooms21@hotmail.com
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Gentle Yoga is not necessarily easy or difficult. Its goal is to create a connection between the body and mind, emphasizing balance and inner connection. In the class, I will guide participants through practice to strengthen the body and restore balance to the mind, using classical yoga as a tool to improve daily life.The class Continue Reading »
Women of TBA and Oakland Ruach Hadassah sponsor the Rosh Chodesh Women's Study session on the 4th Monday of the month.RSVP and details from Lynn Langfeld LLangfeld@comcast.net
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Contact Karen Bloom for details Blooms21@hotmail.com
Jan 12thJan 26thFeb 23rdMore dates to come depending on weather.
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Gentle Yoga is not necessarily easy or difficult. Its goal is to create a connection between the body and mind, emphasizing balance and inner connection. In the class, I will guide participants through practice to strengthen the body and restore balance to the mind, using classical yoga as a tool to improve daily life.The class Continue Reading »
WTBA sponsors and staffs Bingo at the Reutlinger Community the first Wednesday of every month. Bingo starts at 1:15 and runs an hour at most. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 1:00 to check in and help with passing out Bingo supplies and welcoming residents. Bingo is a fun hands-on activity for the residents and Continue Reading »
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Little ones up to 5 years old. Enjoy songs, prayers, snack, socializing and playground fun. Gather at 10:30 for snacks, begin program at 10:45 am. All are invited to Shabbat Kiddush Lunch with the congregation at the conclusion of the main service.
Contact Karen Bloom for details Blooms21@hotmail.com
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Gentle Yoga is not necessarily easy or difficult. Its goal is to create a connection between the body and mind, emphasizing balance and inner connection. In the class, I will guide participants through practice to strengthen the body and restore balance to the mind, using classical yoga as a tool to improve daily life.The class Continue Reading »
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Join usfor a fun, lighthearted, free-spirited and uplifting community dance movementexperience. EveryBODY and all levels are welcome… no previous dance experienceneeded. What isNia?Nia is ajoy-filled movement practice that combines dance, martial arts and yoga withfree dance and simple choreography to create a holistic movement experiencewhere you connect to your body and energize your life. What yougain from Continue Reading »
Contact Karen Bloom for details Blooms21@hotmail.com
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.
Gentle Yoga is not necessarily easy or difficult. Its goal is to create a connection between the body and mind, emphasizing balance and inner connection. In the class, I will guide participants through practice to strengthen the body and restore balance to the mind, using classical yoga as a tool to improve daily life.The class Continue Reading »
Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative Siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.