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Temple Beth Abraham is thrilled to announce the return of Kindergym, now under the direction of Jeni Clancy. Come play, laugh, move, groove, and connect with your toddler! Featuring sliding, climbing, jumping, rocking, puppets and more.For more information, including schedules and fees, go to: https://www.tbaoakland.org/learn/kindergym/

Kabbalat Shabbat

Sanctuary 327 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA, United States

Join us as we welcome the Shabbat. Singing and participation is encouraged in this warm uplifting service, which is both conservative and egalitarian. The Siddur we use is, The Song of Abraham, written by our own Rabbi Mark Bloom. "A Siddur dedicated to those who wish to increase the meaning and accessibility in traditional Jewish Continue Reading »

Shabbat Services with Bet Sefer Kitah Vav

Sanctuary 327 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA, United States

Our Shabbat service is available in our sanctuary and online at https://TBAoakland.org/stream.Our Shabbat service is both Conservative and egalitarian. The siddur (prayerbook) we use, Shirat Avraham or The Song of Abraham, was written by TBA's Rabbi Mark Bloom as “a siddur dedicated to those who wish to increase the meaning and accessibility in traditional Jewish Continue Reading »

Shabbat Mishpacha for ages 0-5 years old

First Saturday of the month

Interactive Service filled with singing, prayers, story time and ends with challah and social time for all. Meet on the Playground or the Kitah Bet Classroom depending on weather.

Mah Jongg – Come, learn & play

Outside of Chapel 327 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA, CA, United States

Contact Karen Bloom for details Blooms21@hotmail.com

Morning Minyan

Chapel 327 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA, United States

Our morning minyan meets every Monday and Thursday in the chapel and lasts approximately one hour. We use the older Conservative siddur (prayerbook) for daily prayer compiled by Rabbi Morris Silverman.The service is always followed by a light breakfast in the social hall lovingly prepared by minyan regulars.

WTBA Monthly Board Meeting

Baum Youth Center

Jill Levine Oggeri, President  Jessica Klinger, Vice President