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Contact Jody London
Limit 25 people
Hello All!
Temple Beth Abraham’s Tu B’Shevat Wetlands Restoration Daywith Save the Bay will be on Sunday,Feb. 9, 2025, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. This annual workday is fun for allages. Save the Bay provides the equipment and gloves; you bring your enthusiasmand be ready to work. It’s a great opportunity to help our community andspend time with TBA friends new and old.
You must register in advance at this link: https://tfaforms.com/4966658?eventid=a1zRQ000002rdYL.
Please note that each adult must submit a registration. Theform lets you indicate how many children will be coming.
Let me know if you have questions! We hope to seeyou on Feb. 9.
Jody London