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Summer Program

Gan Avraham Summer Program (GASP)

Gan Avraham offers a summer program, GASP, that runs for 8 weeks. The summer program is a separate enrollment from the school year, and enrollment begins in January. Summer fees are set at the new rates for the subsequent school year approved by the Congregation of Temple Beth Abraham in the late spring. The teaching staff for our summer program is determined after enrollment is finalized.

Enrollment priority is given to current Kitah Alef and Bet children.

Outdoor program

This summer our program will take place mostly outdoors. We have a large outdoor space that lends itself to unlimited options for engaging activities. Just like during the school year, the curriculum will follow the children’s interests. The teachers will set up inviting areas around the yard that support various interests and needs. Mirroring the indoor classroom, the yard will have spaces to relax and read, areas for messy art, water play, building, climbing, big body movements, and more. The teachers will be very intentional about what materials they set up and which will help create focus within the space. The teachers will continue to observe how the children are interacting with the space and make adjustments to help extend the children’s ideas and play.  There will also be time to have snacks and break out into smaller groups for various games. We will continue to include our shared language about kavod/respect and chesed/kindness when facilitating relationship building.

Mixed age group

Our summer program is much smaller than the school year. This gives us a unique opportunity to combine the children into one mixed age group. This allows for the children to create and foster existing connections and to interact with children who they may not spend much time with during the school year. The older children can help the younger children, giving them a sense of responsibility and compassion. The younger children feel empowered and comfortable learning from their older peers. Being part of one group allows the children and teachers to focus on kehillah/community with everyone and practice ways that we can all take care of each other. Since the session lengths are two to three weeks long, this gives the group time to settle in and truly connect with one another.