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TBA Book Club: The Last Kings of Shanghai by Jonathan Kaufman

Zoom Contact Judy Glick for details JudyGlick@gmail.com

Wewill meet again on Thursday, August 22rd, at 7:30 pm, via Zoom, todiscuss the nonfiction book, The LastKings of Shanghai: The Rival Jewish Dynasties That Helped Create Modern China, by Jonathan Kaufman. It is 350 pages, and waspublished in June, 2020. Thirty-three libraries in the Link+ system have thebook: https://csul.iii.com/search?/X(The+Last+Kings+of+Shanghai)&SORT=D/X(The+Last+Kings+of+Shanghai)&SORT=D&SUBKEY=(The+Last+Kings+of+Shanghai)/1%2C10%2C10%2CB/frameset&FF=X(The+Last+Kings+of+Shanghai)&SORT=D&1%2C1%2C. The LastKings of Shanghai  is available in print and electronicformats.   "In vividdetail... examines the little-known history Continue Reading »